Open Doors’ recently released
2025 World Watch List tells us where persecution against our Christian brothers and sisters is most extreme. But it also shows us the bigger picture of what’s happening in the lives and communities of the people—our family—who live and follow Jesus in the 50 most dangerous countries on the list.
Understanding these larger issues helps us pray informed prayers for our family. Here are six specific trends revealed in the World Watch List:
Violence drives significant score increases
Now in its 32nd year, the Open Doors World Watch List is compiled using data based on in-country, eyewitness information provided by our partner networks. This data is converted into a “persecution score” for each country. When putting together this year’s list, our researchers found that violence against Christians is increasing. In fact, an increase in anti-Christian violence propelled significant score changes among several countries on the World Watch List. While violence was the common denominator among those countries, the contexts were different: tightly controlled autocratic states and countries suffering from instability due to weak government or civil war both saw rises in violence.
Father, we pray with our family who suffer violence for their decision to follow Jesus. God, please bring them Your comfort, strength, courage and hope as they increasingly face challenges for your name.
Continued violence across sub-Saharan Africa
In sub-Saharan Africa, violence was rampant. Through the years, the World Watch List has documented that the world’s largest Christian population (more Christians live in Africa than on any other single continent) has been widely afflicted by targeted violence. This year was no different. Seven of the 10 deadliest countries for Christians are in sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Niger, Central Africa Republic and Mozambique.
Nigeria (No. 7) remains among the most urgently dangerous places on earth for a Christian. Most regions in the West African country are under fire. In the north-central area, Fulani militants attack farming communities, killing Christians above all. Jihadist groups such as Boko Haram and the splinter group Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP), among others, are also active in the country's northern states, where Christians and their communities continue to be the targets of raids, sexual violence and roadblock killings. And the violence seems to be spreading.
This pattern of violence in sub-Saharan Africa persists into 2025. That’s why Open Doors began and is continuing the
Arise Africa campaign, a multi-year response to this reality. Through your prayers and support, we are able to stand with the African church, helping our family to live out their faith and be salt and light where persecution is most extreme.
Lord, please be ever-close to our family in sub-Saharan Africa. We pray against this increasing pattern of violence and ask You to bring healing to our brothers and sisters.
Signs of the church going underground
How do you measure persecution when there’s no Christian church left to persecute?
More and more Christians are going underground. In
Algeria (No. 19), for example, all Protestant churches have been forced to close or cease regular operations; none remain that can be targeted for closure. The Algerian government has attempted various forms of financial and organizational pressure to weaken churches, with a particular focus on online Christian activities. The overall pressure, in combination with the closure of the churches, has forced many Algerian Christians into isolation.
Our researchers detected this pattern of Christian isolation and church diminishment in a number of countries on the 2025 World Watch List. In
Libya (No. 4), for instance, the small Christian community in is extremely careful to avoid a repeat of the March 2023 crackdown that swept up numerous Christians for arrest.
Though not related to Christian persecution, in Gaza and the West Bank, Christian communities have come to the brink of extinction under the shadow of the Israel-Hamas war that began in October 2023. In Gaza, at least 33 Christians were killed, and most houses destroyed during the violence. In the West Bank, Israeli authorities tightened existing limitations and further narrowed travel restrictions that already applied to Christian communities following the outbreak of the war. Many Christian families have moved abroad or are trying to leave. The instability means this ancient home of Christian communities is losing many followers of Jesus.
The church in
Afghanistan (No. 10) is also deeply underground, and for that reason, there are fewer visible expressions of Christianity for the Taliban authorities to track down and persecute. At the same time, the isolation of the church makes it very difficult to get verified accounts of faith-related attacks.
And with each year, the era of the church’s relatively open presence in
China (No. 15) fades deeper into memory. Smaller congregations are either forced to merge to make a larger church that is easier to control, or to take their fellowships underground into isolated home groups. Unregistered churches, once tolerated by the Chinese government, now are considered illegal as authorities more regularly enforce regulations and tighten policies. State-approved churches in China have come under stronger ideological pressure. And laws outlaw religious education for anyone under 18, as well as steer pastors into indoctrination sessions, where they’re urged to preach accordingly.
God, we ask You to encourage our family who cannot worship openly without fear. Let them know that the worldwide Church is praying with them and show them how their courage to participate in secret fellowships is growing and advancing Your Kingdom.
Authoritarianism in Central Asia
Central Asian countries, especially the former Soviet nations of
Kyrgyzstan (No. 47) and Kazakhstan, saw state crackdowns on Christians. No country in the top 50 had a greater persecution score increase than Kyrgyzstan, which added more than seven points. Ranked 61st a year ago, the Central Asian country rose 14 spots to rank 47th on the 2025 World Watch List—the country’s first appearance in the top 50 since 2013. It was, by far, the biggest move on the list, and the primary reason was a sharp uptick in violence against the church.
It was a similar story in neighboring
Kazakhstan (No. 38), whose score rose three points for 2025; only four other countries registered a greater increase. That was enough to propel the country up nine places in the rankings, to 38th. Only Kyrgyzstan ascended more spots. And again, the reason was a pronounced increase in violence against Christians. Since 2010, the Kazakh regime has taken on a more authoritarian character, and a 2019 change in leadership brought no real improvement for Christians.
For example, World Watch Research received reports of police raids on four worship meetings of three unregistered Protestant communities in southern Kazakhstan. Our sources reported that at least 20 Christian women were sexually abused because of their faith, and at least as many were forcibly married to Muslim men. Such numbers are a tiny share in a country of 20 million people, about a quarter of whom identify as Christian, but they are a noticeable departure from the immediate past, especially as the larger Orthodox church does not seem to be affected. Protestants are a small minority in this quarter of Christians.
Jesus, our hearts cry out for our brothers and sisters in Central Asia as persecution for their faith increases. Please bring Your peace and protect worship meetings and women whose faith and gender make them doubly vulnerable to heinous violence.
Civil war instability
In several countries on the World Watch List, the presence of civil war is a constant, creating political and economic instability, often opening the door for violence and insecurity. Civil war is ravaging countries in multiple places (Burkina Faso, Mali, Sudan, Niger) but perhaps the most visible are in Yemen and Myanmar.
For 10 years, the people of
Yemen (No. 3) have suffered under a complex civil war, as lawlessness permeates the country, creating space for the targeting of minorities, including Christians. During the 2025 World Watch List reporting period, Yemeni Christians found themselves detained by authorities, either because of their faith (it is illegal to leave Islam or blaspheme the religion in Yemen) or in response to bogus accusations made by family or others as a form of anti-Christian harassment. The increase in Houthi power and influence following the October 2023 attacks on Israel has meant that dozens of Christian house churches no longer can meet. Yemen rose two spots on the list, to No. 3. In all the world, only North Korea and Somalia are more difficult places for Christians to live. And 2025 begins with no sign of a ceasefire.
Myanmar’s (No. 13) civil war has also created horrific conditions for the church. The 2021 military coup and the continued armed conflict between the army and a host of opposition forces in 2024 nudged the country up four spots on the 2025 list, to 13th. Hopes for a quick end to the war remain dim; the security situation in certain regions continues to be dire and has even deteriorated; and the likelihood of continued crimes against humanity can't be discounted.
Myanmar's Christians, about 8% of the population, are caught in the crossfire. In Kachin State alone, more than 100,000 Christians are languishing in displacement camps to avoid being killed or detained by regime forces or rebels. The army increasingly attacks Christian churches suspected of harboring insurgents. It has detained pastors and ordinary church members suspected of supporting or even leading the opposition forces and has launched indiscriminate attacks in some predominantly Christian states.
O Father, you know the horrors of war and how Your people are suffering the midst of this conflict. We pray for peace in these countries, especially Yemen and Myanmar, in 2025. Would You work in seen and unseen ways to bring stability and security to our family?
Mexico stands out in Latin America
Of note in Latin America is
Mexico’s (No. 31) total persecution score of 71, which represents a 2.4 point increase from the previous year and is the highest score the World Watch List has ever assigned to Mexico. Mexico's violence score of 14.6 is the highest violence score among all Latin American countries on the World Watch List, and the country is now 31st on the list. The last time Mexico ranked this high was 2005.
Our family, especially church leaders and Christian organizations, are often targets of organized crime and drug cartels, especially when Christians attempt to broker peace or provide assistance to victims of violence and intimidation. Our World Watch List researchers noted a jump in the number of Christians killed and abducted because of their faith, as well as an increase in attacks on Christian homes and other property. 2024 was, generally, a more violent year in Mexico; the country held elections, and a wave of attacks nationwide left at least 37 candidates dead, and hundreds more candidates injured. While the surge of pre-election violence was not directed at Christians specifically, it intensified the already dangerous conditions for the church.
God, You are all-knowing, all-powerful. Please walk with the church in Mexico. Provide Your courage and discernment for church leaders and their families. We ask You to stop the violence and rain down Your peace that transcends all our understanding.